Minecraft Vanilla Servers

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Minecraft Vanilla Servers

What is a Minecraft vanilla server you may be wondering? A vanilla server is a Minecraft server that replicates Minecraft singleplayer as closely as possible just adding the ability to play with other users online. Vanilla servers are popular amongst people who are looking for a hardcore gaming experience while playing on the minecraft server.

How do I play Vanilla Minecraft Servers

To play Vanilla Minecraft Servers all you have to do is load up Minecraft, click multiplayer, and then add Minecraft server. After this just find vanilla servers on our server list and copy the IP address and that is it, you are all set and ready to play!

Choosing the Best Minecraft Vanilla servers

Choosing the best Minecraft Vanilla Servers is by far one of the easiest types of minecraft servers to choose. Since all vanilla servers are essentially the same the only thing that you need to look for is an active staff team, a server with at least 90 percent uptime, and a server with a lot of players if that is what you are looking for. Here at Best Minecraft Servers all Minecraft Vanilla servers are manually checked before being allowed to list on our site.