Minecraft Hardcore Servers

View Minecraft Hardcore Servers

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What are Minecraft Hardcore Servers?

What are Minecraft Hardcore Servers? Hardcore Servers are hardcore, hints the name of the gamemode. In hardcore servers Minecraft players will spawn normally in a server with no spawn and must obtain everything on their own through mining, fighting, and farming. Minecraft hardcore is also a singleplayer gamemode which can also be played if you are not looking to play on a server.

How do I play hardcore servers?

In order to play a Minecraft hardcore Servers you must have Minecraft on your computer. After that, load up Minecraft and select add server. Next pick the Minecraft hardcore Server from our site that you would like to play, then click add server and then type in the server IP address. After that have fun playing on your Minecraft Server. If for some reason you arent enjoying the server you found you can use our site, Best Minecraft Servers, and select a server you would rather play on. If you cannot find a server that fits what you are looking for on our site you can search for Minecraft Servers through google and select another server list! If you ever have any questions about Minecraft Servers feel free to contact our support through the contact us button.