Minecraft PvP Servers

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Minecraft PvP Servers

What is a Minecraft Pvp server you may ask? A PVP server is a specific type of Minecraft server where players fight each other normally in a premade map. PVP Servers are very common amongst Minecraft servers. For example faction servers, kitpvp servers, and minigames servers all are technically called pvp servers.

How do I play PvP Minecraft Servers

To play a PvP Minecraft server all you need to do is first install Minecraft. After you have installed Minecraft launch the game and then click multiplayer. After you click multiplayer click add server and type in the server IP address. That is it, now you are ready to play Minecraft pvp servers.


Choosing the Best Minecraft PvP servers

Since most Minecraft servers are technically called PvP servers the range of servers to choose from is large. Here at best Minecraft servers we have a massive list of servers to choose from. Some of the components of good pvp servers are no lag, an active staff team, and premade kits for you to fight with. Since PVP is so heavily affected by ping and lag it is really important to find a Minecraft server that is near your location.